The Gladewater City Council will meet Thursday at 6 p.m. at City Hall for its monthly regular meeting to discuss the following agenda items:
• Approve an interlocal agreement between Upshur County and the City of Gladewater for assessment and collection of taxes
• Approve a fire protection agreement between the City of Gladewater and Upshur County ESD #1 and a fire protection agreement between the City of Gladewater and Upshur County ESD #1 as agent for the City of Union Grove
• Conduct a public hearing regarding a request to rename a portion of Roden Lane to Anderson Lane, then take action on that request
• Discussion/consideration of Ordinance 0-23-10 designating W. Hull Ave. as a one-way street in a west bound direction from Canfield St. to N. Tenery Ave.; designating W. Jeanette Ave. as a one-way street in an east bound direction from N. Tenery Ave. to Canfield St.; prohibiting all parking on W. Hull Ave. from Canfield St. to N. Tenery Ave.; and prohibiting all parking on W. Jeanette Ave. from N. Tenery Ave. to Canfield St
• Discussion/consideration of Ordinance 0-23-11 amending §7.07.030 Schedule III -School Zones of the Gladewater Code of Ordinance
• Discussion/consideration of Resolution R-23-06 Nominations for Upshur County Appraisal District Board of Directors
• Discussion/consideration of Resolution R-23-07 Establishing a Public Newspaper of General Circulation to be the Official Newspaper for the City of Gladewater
• Discussion/consideration of Resolution R-23-08 regarding a Municipal Maintenance Agreement between the City of Gladewater and the State of Texas through the Texas Department of Transportation
• Discussion/consideration of Resolution R-23-09 Electing to Utilize the Standard Allowance to Determine Revenue Loss as Allowed by the Coronavirus State & Local Fiscal Recovery Fund / American Rescue Plan Act. The City of Gladewater has been awarded $1,574,315.92.
• Discussion/consideration of Resolution R-23-10 regarding East Texas Council of Governments Solid Waste Grant Application
• Discussion/consideration of GEDCO budget amendments for fiscal year 2022-2023
• Discussion/consideration of establishing Rules for Parliamentary Procedure for Gladewater City Council and Council appointed boards
• Discussion regarding installation of fence along the south side of the railroad tracks in downtown Gladewater from Ferry Street to Broadway Avenue
• Executive session regarding purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property – Ball Park
• Reconvene into open session and take any action necessary regarding – Ball Park