Buckeyes beat Lindale Eagles, 49-35Texas Comptroller Announces $285 Million in Unclaimed Property Returned in Fiscal 2021 GILMER ASPIRATES ATLANTA, 48-6Gregg County District Attorney Watson Will Not Seek Re-ElectionBuckeyes slam Henderson, 50-14Kilgore College will receive $1.16 million to help displaced, underemployed adults continue path to higher educationWater, Boating Safety Takes Precedence Ahead of Labor Day Weekend$477,786 in grant funds available for prescribed burning to Central and East Texas landownersGISD closed until Sept. 7 due to COVID, football game canceledGladewater/White Oak/Union Grove Sports – 2021Despite Winter Storm Uri, Resilient Texas Dove Populations Point to Favorable Hunting SeasonTEXAS PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLIST DEATHS CONTINUE TO CLIMBTexas Hunting, Fishing Licenses on Sale Aug. 15 1 2 3 … 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 … 92 93 94
Kilgore College will receive $1.16 million to help displaced, underemployed adults continue path to higher education