The Cameron Harold reported yesterday that Gladewater City Manger Ricky Tow is going to be the Cameron’s next city manager.
It took a little longer, but Cameron City Council got the man they wanted to lead their town moving forward.
Cameron Mayor Bill Harris said the city has agreed to a contract with Gladewater City Manager Ricky Tow.
That is likely a familiar name for Cameron residents as Tow spent 4 years leading Cameron before leaving in 2013 to become City Manager in Bowie. He later moved on to lead Gladewater in 2017, where he has been ever since. Prior to coming to Cameron, he was city administrator for Alvord.
Mayor Harris said Tow will make his return with a July 18 start date. Tow is now replacing the man who took over after he left eight years ago, Rhett Parker, who resigned last July.
Mayor Harris has been running the city on an interim basis.
The Gladewater City Council will meet in special session next week to discuss this change in leadership.
Last month the council was advised the city treasurer is leaving for another position.