Gladewater Chamber of Commerce’s 93rd annual Membership Banquet is coming up next week, but it’s celebrating a theme that won’t be viable again for decades.
“We came up with the title ‘Once in a Lifetime’ because our banquet is on Thursday night (March 28) then the eclipse is on April 8th,” according to Lois Reed. “For some of us, this will be our last time to see a total eclipse where we live now.”
With the eclipse theme at the top of her mind, Reed eagerly recruited professional speaker and writer Tammy Whitehurst as the night’s entertainment.
“Her talk is going to be fitting right in with our theme,” Reed teased, dropping no other hints but excited for whatever comes: “I heard her speak once at a banquet and she had us rolling. Tears were coming out of our eyes we were laughing so hard, then the next moment she would say something and snap you back.”
The 2024 event’s set for 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. March 28 at the Gladewater Former Students Association Building at 2509 W. Hendricks with Tony McCullough presiding as Master of Ceremonies.
The night will include two sets of award presentations on either side of Whitehurst’s speech – the first group includes Educator of the Year, Youth of the Year, Yamboree Representative and Volunteer of the Year then, later, Business of the Year, Woman of the Year, Man of the Year and the Bradley Award, bestowed by the current chamber president on standout individuals.
This year’s banquet will be catered by Tele’s, with dinner beginning at 6:30 p.m. following a welcome at 6:15 p.m. featuring the Pledge of Allegiance by current Yamboree Chamber Representative Madie Bedair and an invocation by the Rev. Stacy Price of Fellowship Community Church.
Mayor Scott Owens will introduce special guests and North Loop Church of Christ Pastor Joe Chase will offer the evening’s benediction.
Tickets are $25 per person and tables of six are still available for $150. For more information or to secure a seat, call 903-845-5501.