Gladewater Public Works personnel put the city’s new wood chipper to the test last week alongside Mayor Scott Owens.
It took about a year and approximately $45,000 to manifest (with East Texas Council of Governments covering about a third of the cost) and the aim’s for the equipment to circulate through the community regularly to dispose of residents’ limbs and brush.
“That thing is a powerful machine,” Owens told council members Dec. 21.
The city will host monthly chipping days for anyone with yard debris who arranges a visit by the chipper by calling City Hall at 903-845-2196.
Importantly, “This is not construction material. It’s not for a commercial operation,” Owens noted.
That said, “If you have limbs and things around your house, if you will cut them up and place them near the curb and call City Hall, once a month we’re going to be coming by and chipping all this up.
Once they’ve made the call and gotten their house on the rotation, homeowners should then pile green waste for the chipper at the curb so it’s in easy reach — city employees can’t go into a resident’s yard to pick up the tree debris.
In time, Owens said, “Hopefully you’ll be able to come and get free mulch from this also.”