Gladewater City Council members are set for more key votes in order to utilize Texas Water Development Board funds on local infrastructure.
The group will gather for March’s monthly session at 6 p.m. Thursday in City Hall, and three interconnected water board items are on the agenda including discussion and consideration of issuing Certificates of Obligation for $850,000 to the TWDB.
The night’s agenda also includes presentation of Gladewater Police Department’s annual ‘Use of Force Report’ and its ‘Racial Profiling Report’ for council consideration.
In addition to regular items like the mayor’s comments and the city manager’s monthly report on administrative, project and department updates, the early agenda features Citizens Comments and the night’s consent agenda, including a contract between the city and the Gregg County Elections office for election services for the May 4 general and special election.
A public hearing and subsequent vote is set on a Specific Use Permit request for a Tattoo & Piercing Studio at 905 N. Main St. The council members are also scheduled to consider the city’s annual audit for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 as well as the ratification of Gladewater Economic Development Corporation’s new Emergency Relief Grant Program.
In addition to a possible amendment on ‘Land Use’ in the city’s code of ordinances related to “container homes,” the remainder of the agenda includes ‘discussion and consideration,’ i.e. votes, on:
• construction of a new G-19 hangar at Gladewater Municipal Airport;
• awarding a contract for the Gay Avenue Elevated Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project;
• an ordinance closing and abandoned an undeveloped alleyway that runs northeast and southwest on portions of Tyler Road and Empire Street;
• selection of a contractor for requisite lead testing on water service lines throughout the community;
• an ‘executive session’ discussion (and potential action in public following the closed door dialogue) on the annual review of the city manager, city clerk, city treasurer and library director.