There’s a milestone meeting set for Gladewater City Council this week.
Current Place 3 Councilwoman Brandy Flanagan became Mayor-Elect Saturday, May 4, and Thursday night marks the swearing-in of Gladewater’s first female mayor, with Gregg County Judge Bill Stoudt coming in to administer the oath.
It’s the third item on the council’s agenda after outgoing Mayor Scott Owens calls the session to order at 6 p.m. May 16 with the standard invocation and pledge. The evening’s second bullet point is a presentation to Owens before the oaths of office – Gladewater Municipal Court Judge (and Gregg County Precinct 2 Justice of the Peace) Tim Bryan will swear-in returning Place 2 Council Member Michael Webber and incoming Place 3 Councilman Stoney Stone.
Next up will be the election of the council’s Mayor Pro Tem – Sonny Anderson currently holds the post – then Agenda Item 6 is Flanagan’s first ‘Mayor’s Comments’ before the City Manager’s Report by Charlie Smith, touching on administrative and project updates, announcements and department updates.
In addition to Citizen Comments and the standard Consent Agenda, the night’s agenda lists discussion of a container home ordinance, a throwback to a discussion that began in March. Notably, there’s no ‘consideration’ listed to the item, i.e. no official action or vote on the table.
The night’s action items (set for the council to ‘Discuss and Consider’) include the annual audit for fiscal year 2022-2023 (another holdover from prior meetings) and an “allowance of GISD antenna on the Allison Street Water Tower.”
Council members will also consider a delinquent tax waiver (valued at less than $250), a resolution to sell property at 2810 Hendricks Street and action to award a $396,240 bid for construction of the 2024 Water treatment Plant ARPA upgrades to C.E. Marler & Associates.
With no planned Executive (closed) Session on the night’s agenda, the final agenda item for the evening echoes last month: the council will consider appointments of their members as ex officio participants on local advisory boards before adjourning for the night.