The East Texas Fruit and Vegetable Conference is set for Feb. 21 in Nacogdoches.
The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service event will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 3:50 p.m. at the Nacogdoches Civic Center, 3805 N.W. Stallings Drive. Sessions will cover topics related to budgeting and financing, new farm operations and site selection, raised beds, vegetable diseases and pest insects.
Register online at or by calling 979-845-2604 by Feb. 20 for $30 per person and $50 per couple. Late registration is $40 per person and $60 per couple. Lunch is included.
Joe Masabni, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension horticulturist, Overton, said the conference is filled with great information for gardeners and commercial growers of all levels of expertise. He said top speakers were invited to address relevant topics of interest to all fruit and vegetable growers.
Three Texas Department of Agriculture continuing education units will be available. Vendor exhibits will be on site.
Topics and speakers include:
– New Raised Beds at Overton – Masabni.
– Farm Site Selection for Fruits and Nuts – Monte Nesbitt, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension fruit specialist, College Station.
– Budgeting and Financing a New Farm – Blake Bennett, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension economist, Dallas.
– Vegetable Diseases (two sessions) – Sheila McBride, Texas Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab lead diagnostician, College Station.
– Fruit and Vegetable Insects – Masabni.
– TDA Marketing and Go Texan Program – Manuel Martinez, TDA field representative, Austin.
Spaces are open for vendors, exhibitors and nonprofits.
For more information, contact Masabni at or Ricky Thompson, AgriLife Extension agent, Nacogdoches County, at 936-560-7711,