The Gladewater Former Students’ Association held their All-School Reunion on Sept. 25 at the GFSA Building. The Class of 1971 was the host since they were celebrating their 50th class reunion. The theme was “Celebrating Unity Through Friendships”. The event began with a Meet & Greet followed by an opening message, invocation, dinner and visiting. The program centered around the announcing of the Outstanding Alumni and the Grizzly Award.
The Grizzly Award was given to David Holcombe, Class of 1962, for his many years volunteering as the All-School Reunion photographer. GFSA presented three Outstanding Alumni for 2020 and one Outstanding Alumni for 2021. Awardees were Laura Jobe Kelly (Class of 1970), Jenny Wallace Preston (Class of 1969), John Ussery (Class of 1979) and Byron Boston (Class of 1969). All were presented with a plaque at the ceremony.
Special recognition was given to attendees who had been past Presidents of GFSA, Outstanding Alumni, Grizzlies and Kodiaks. The ceremony culminated with the passing of the Spirit Baton from the Class of 1971 to the Class of 1972. The Class of 1972 will begin planning next year’s All-School Reunion which is always held on the last Saturday of September.