Recommendations to improve Gladewater community
The Lee-Bardwell Public Library and Texas State University researchers will hold a community event to discuss a pilot project planning for the resiliency of the Gladewater community. The event will be held at the Lee-Bardwell Public Library located at 312 W Pacific Ave, Gladewater on Tuesday, December 5, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. The event is open to the public, will provide food, and members of the Gladewater and surrounding local communities are invited and encouraged to come to participate in the discussion.

The Library Director Brandy Winn along with Dr. Elizabeth K. Eger and Rex
Long from Texas State University’s Translational Health Research Center will
discuss their collaboration with local Gladewater leaders and residents, share
local recommendations, and ask for community feedback. The collaboration
project adapted a research model called COPEWELL to see how rural libraries
and librarians can help create plans to support residents during and after
emergencies and disaster events.

The event will also discuss a community collaboration and COPEWELL process
report in partnership with the Texas State Library and Archives Commission
(TSLAC) for other libraries in Texas to create their own resiliency collaborations
and a specific Gladewater report with process details and recommendations. For
additional information, contact Dr. Elizabeth K. Eger at eger@txstate.edu or visit

The Texas State University Translational Health Research Center
engages in cutting-edge research partnerships with industry, academic, and
community-based organizations working together to improve physical, mental,
community, and public health. Through these partnerships, THRC advances and
shares research to foster healthy and resilient people and places.

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