Local development gets caffeine kick

After razing Texas Pizza House, 709 E. Broadway will soon be a new Tobacco Junction. (Top) Construction is proceeding quickly on the new Starbucks location at 1006 E. Broadway Ave. after developers pulled a permit for the site Aug. 7.

One of Gladewater’s recent commercial developments is progressing rapidly on Hwy. 80 — the construction of a new Starbucks franchise is one of several key projects underway in the community.
“They’ve got most of the outside electrical and plumbing done, and they’re framing up the building now,” Gladewater Building Inspector Al Harrison reported earlier this month.
Harrison has no specific timetable on the project — developers applied for and received their construction permit Aug. 7 for 1006 E. Broadway Ave.
Meanwhile, a demolition permit just down the road was granted Sept. 11 for 709 E. Broadway: “Texas Pizza House is becoming Tobacco Junction,” Harrison said. “It’ll be a brand new building. They’ve been talking about it for a few months.”
The tear-down at the site began in mid-September, the previous structure was razed by Sept. 27 and cleanup was completed early the next week so new construction could begin on Tobacco Junction’s new, free-standing operation.
Among 16 open building permits at City of Gladewater, 11 were granted after Aug. 1. Overall, 10 are tied to local residential developments.
“We’ve got some new houses going in,” Harrison confirmed.

Three out of four new homes are nearing completion on Roden Lane at Walter Derrick Avenue. Other new homes and subdivisions are under construction in different corners of the community, says Building Inspector Al Harrison.

One project is a small subdivision off Gay Avenue that will eventually include six homes. The new cluster of residences will be located just west of Rodeo.
“We hooked them up with East Texas homes,” Harrison said. “It should go in front of council this month for the plat. That’s a Single Family 4 area which is 1,000 square feet or large.
“I don’t have any plans on them, but the set will be submitted soon as the process continues.”
The Villa subdivision is also back in motion off Phillip Springs Road, Harrison noted.
More than a year in development, the work was put on pause for another effort elsewhere, but construction on 20 homes will be getting underway in the near future after final preparations are completed.
“They finished the project they were working on, and they’re returning sometime this month to finish off that street and some infrastructure.”

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