Locals have a chance to put their questions and concerns to city council candidates Thursday night.
Gladewater Mirror’s Spring 2024 Candidates Forum begins at 6 p.m. April 4 at Gladewater Chamber of Commerce. All four City Hall office-seekers were invited to participate March 8, so they’ve had about a month to ponder their platforms before making their cases tonight for residents’ votes come Election Day May 4.
The Q&A moderated by Mirror Publisher Jim Bardwell is open to the public – readers and audience members are encouraged to submit questions in advance for inclusion among a slate of topics to be discussed.
Early voting runs April 22-30 before 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. polling Saturday, May 4.
The mayor’s race includes incumbent council member Brandy Flanagan and contender Jim Valentine, who has stated he will be out of town during the forum.
With Flanagan seeking the mayor’s seat, her Place 3 spot on the council is open and drew two contenders before February’s filing deadline: outgoing Mayor Scott Owens and contender Stoney Stone.
Incumbent council member Michael Weber saw no challenges in his re-election bid to Place 2. Likewise, there were no contests for three trustee seats at Gladewater ISD this cycle – during their March 25 meeting, the GISD School Board unanimously approved canceling the district’s election, and the three returning incumbents (Corina Arevalo, Place 5; Danielle Budro, Place 6; and Place 7 Board Vice President Jeff Cook) will officially begin new terms when they take a new oath office during the board’s late May meeting.
Submit questions in advance to jbardwell@gladewatermirror.com, and find coverage in next week’s edition of the Mirror. Also, watch newsstands later this month for another printed, side-by-side Q&A featuring submitted responses from all four council candidates.