Inside the Gladewater City Limits, there’s been just one alleged burn ban violation since Gregg County Commissioners approved the measure Aug. 7 – that was on Sunday, Mike Simmons says, and when firefighters arrived on seen, there was nothing to speak of.
On the whole, Gladewater’s fire chief says, residents are definitely doing their part.
He’s grateful.
“We put out the warnings, and we thank everybody for participating and following the rules,” Simmons praised. “Due to that fact, we have not had any significant events take place.”
In fact, he suspects the burn ban – and residents’ respect of it – has reduced the average number of fire calls overall. A recent house fire (one not sparked by errant behavior) was disastrous, but contained without further incident.
“As far as grass fires go, knock on wood, we’ve been pretty fortunate,” Simmons added, fewer than firefighters would see at any given time. “Grass fires are typically the most common fire call we get. In the 11 days since the burn ban was put in place, I’d say it’s uncharacteristic not to have grass fires in that span.”
Thank goodness, he added, because conditions are ripe for significant problems if people don’t toe the line.
“We are hotter and drier than we were a week ago. As the winds pick up, things will become drier and more critical.”
Simmons encourages everyone to be vigilant, hyper-aware of their surroundings, on the lookout for cinders and stray smoke.
“It’s the team working together. We’re all in this together, we’re all doing our part, and we’ve had success.”