AUSTIN—Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) is seeking proposals from public or private entities to construct nature-based carbon sequestration or other similar ecosystem services on TPWD properties.
HB4018, passed in the 88th Legislative Session and effective Sept. 1, allows TPWD to enter into agreements through an innovative conservation model providing both wetland protection and carbon credit-based revenue without any direct funding from the agency. HB4018 authorizes the development of nature-based structures on land primarily used for game or fish conservation, protection, or management. Additionally, projects maybe constructed on TPWD land primarily used for parks, recreation, or historic sites.
Private money will fund construction adjacent to select public lands, and TPWD will deposit any funds received into accounts to benefit either state parks or game and fish management, depending on the project’s location.
“We are preparing to move as quickly as possible to secure partnerships that will benefit Texans and help support our mission,” said TPWD Executive Director David Yoskowitz, Ph.D. “We appreciate the opportunity provided by HB4018 and the leadership of Representative Todd Ashby, Senator Lois Kolkhorst and Governor Abbott, who signed this bill into law on June 2.”
TPWD expects partner to fund all construction costs, maintain and repair the structures for the life of the agreement, and share in generated revenue as a result of carbon credits.
The request for proposals can be found on the State of Texas Electronic State Business Dailey (ESBD)