[UPDATE, 11:29 am: Following publication of this story, the downtown tree has been removed.]
‘Twas seven weeks since Christmas, in Gladewater town,
And the towering tree still hasn’t come down.
In the heart of the city, right there at its center,
The Tannenbaum still stands on the back end of winter.
Its season has ended, its time has long passed,
In more ways than one, how long will it last?
Valentine’s is behind us with St. Paddy’s ahead,
Isn’t it past time to put this poor thing to bed?
The decorations still delightful, though faded they be,
Send a message quite clear for everyone to see:
This tree has served well, year after year (after year),
But its watch now has ended, and its farewell is near.
The greenery has dulled, the bows are a-bending
After seasons of service it deserves a better ending
Than to linger in place until a new one gets here
As that’s the plan before the end of the year.
For its successor is coming, the money’s all there,
Set aside for this purpose, with a little to spare.
The Chamber’s arranging a fitting replacement,
One that requires less dust abatement.
In the meantime, ‘til the new tree reaches town
Can we go ahead and take this one down?
It’s a daunting task and requires going aloft,
And with workers so busy, it’s easy to put off.
And, sure, it’s a drag to disassemble those parts
Long after the holidays have faded from hearts.
Better late than never, call it an early Spring Clean
(and let the grass below get back some of its green).
Fortunately, we know, City Hall’s full of great folks
Who won’t mind this little jab – they’ve faced harder jokes.
So with tongues-in-our-cheeks, we beg their good graces,
And wish a Happy Feb. 15 to them all, with smiles on our faces.