An upcoming car and bike show is set to raise funds to cover medical expenses and other costs for 2-year-old Wade Schisler.
Wade’s uncle, Roy Mullens, is spreading the word about the Sept. 14 fundraiser, set from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in downtown Gladewater that Saturday on Commerce Street between Dean and Center.
“He has Metachromatic leukodystrophy, which basically means he won’t live to see 5 years-old,” Mullens said. “They’re having a benefit to raise money for medical and just basic needs. Momma can’t work.”
The award classes for the Wade’s Wheels show include Finest Fins, Awesome Original, Low and Slow, Tricked Truck, Ford/Mercury Muscle, GM Muscle, Mopar Muscle, Slickest Street Rod, Rowdiest Rat Road, US Military, Super 70s, Wicked 80s, Nifty 90s, 21st Century, Incredible Import, Shocking EV, Race Ready and Motorcycle Madness in addition to Best of Show.
Music Caleb Boles will perform live during the event.
There’s no need for car owners to register in advance for ‘Wade’s Wheels,’ he added. There will be a $20 registration fee for participants.
“We’re asking cars to show up about 8 a.m.”
The organizers are looking for sponsors, especially if a contributor would like to raffle off goods for the fundraiser. Anyone interested should contact Mullens at 903-402-0023.