FBC Auto, Truck & Cycle Show May 18

Gladewater First Baptist Church’s second annual car, truck and cycle show will be Saturday, May 18 with registration from 9-10 a.m. in the east parking lot with cars shown from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. followed by awards. Free hot dogs will be served from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. The entry fee is $15 with the proceeds benefiting Gladewater’s community Manna House food ministry. The event will be held rain or shine and is free to the public. For information call FBC at 903-845-2171 or Jim Davidson at 903-918-6591.

FOL Book Sale continues

The Friends of Lee Library Book Sale continues this week at Lee Public Library at 312 W. Pacific Ave. with an excellent selection of books still available. The proceeds of the book sale will fund the children’s summer reading program.

GFSA sporting clay shoot set

The Gladewater’s Former Students’ Association fifth annual sporting clay shoot will be Saturday, June 8 at Prairie Creek Ranch in Gladewater with registration at 8:30 p.m. and shotgun start at 9 a.m. For additional information contact chairman Steve Scurlock at steve013050@gmail.com or call 903-918-3616; Larry Clemens at Larryref50@gmail.com or 903-845-5544; or Jon Keller at jon.keller@bankatcnb.com. All proceeds benefit scholarships, Veterans’ Memorial and the GFSA Building Fund. Sponsor packages include $500 Gold Team Sponsor sponsors 4-person team and their lunch plus station spot; $150 Station Sponsor recognition on one station for an individual or company or $100 individual shooter which enters one person to be placed on a team with lunch included. Please send entry by June 1.

Storytime at library

GILMER–Two books will be read to small children at both of the Upshur County Library’s weekly “Storytime” sessions Thursday.

“Just Like Mommy” by Lucy Freegard and “Five Minutes’ Peace” by Jill Murphy, will be presented at the 10 a.m. and 4:15 p.m. sessions at the library, 702 W. Tyler (which is also Texas Hwy. 154.)

A craft will follow Storytime, said Debbie White of the library’s Children’s Services division.

The events are free to the public, but children under age 12 must be accompanied by an adult. For more information, contact the library at (903) 843-5001 or visit its website at www.youseemore.com/upshur.

Baccalaureate service for area grads

The Gladewater Ministerial Alliance is hosting a Baccalaureate Service on Sunday, May 19 at 6 p.m. The Alliances inviting high school graduates from the greater Gladewaer area to participate in this special occasion. The service will be held in the sanctuary of First Baptist Church in Gladewater located at 300 West Upshur Ave. 

Dr. Jonanthan Lett, Assistant Professor of Theology and Director of Outreach for the Passage Institute for Youth and Theology at LeTourneau University in Longview, Texas, will bring an inspiring and challenging message for the high school graduates. Following the Baccalaureate Service, everyone is invited to gather in McKaig Hall for a reception. A small gift will be presented to each graduate as an expression of support for their accomplishment in completing their high school education.

The Baccalaureate service is believed to have originated at the University of Oxford in 1432. It has been a rich tradition practiced in many communities throughout East Texas. The Gladewater Ministerial Alliance extends this invitation to all of our 2019 area high schools’ graduates. For information call First Baptist Church at 903-845-2171 or email fbc@fbcgladewater.org.

GFSA swing ticket fundraiser

The Gladewater Former Students Association is selling swing tickets for $10 per ticket for an outdoor swing and frame built with pride by the Gladewater Ag department. Only 400 tickets will be sold. All proceeds will benefit GFSA scholarships, the Veterans’ Memorial and the GFSA Building Fund. For information contact Steve Scurlock at 903-918-3616 or Lois Reed at 903-845-2631. Only 400 tickets will be sold. The drawing will be held Sept.28 at the All School Reunion Dinner.

Historical marker workshops

The Gregg County Historical Commission (GCHC) and City of Longview Historical Commission will co-sponsor two historical marker workshops on how to research narratives and complete applications for both city and state designations.

The workshops will be held on Friday, May 17, 2-4 p.m. and Saturday, July 20, 10 a.m. until noon at the Longview City Offices, 410 S. High Street in Longview. It is free and open to the public.

Gregg County residents who desire an Official State of Texas Historical Marker from the Texas Historical Commission will learn about requirements for preparing an application. 

The state markers are placed throughout Texas to commemorate sites, events, significant individuals and institutions such as schools, churches and public organizations. Landmark structures at least 50 years old are also eligible for markers. Cemetery markers are available after a cemetery has received an Historic Cemetery Designation from the state.

Property owners who are interested in a City of Longview historical designation can learn about incentives for structures within the city limits as well.

For more information or to confirm attendance contact Angela Choy at 903-237-1073.

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