Church’s ‘Boot Camp’ set July 27
Sit ‘Em Down Cowboy Church’s annual Kids for Christ B.O.O.T. Camp returns July 27 at 231 PR 3487 in Big Sandy.
The ‘Biblical Outlook & Outreach Training’ is crafted for children who have completed Pre-K (4 years-old) through those who have finished 5th grade.
The camp begins with registration at 8 a.m. then runs 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Breakfast and a hot dug lunch will be provided.
GW Nazarene Church VBS set
Gladewater Nazarene Church will be having its VBS July 22 – 25 from 5:30 pm to 8 pm.
They will step back in time at Hometown Nazareth, exploring what it was like to live in a town where Jesus grew up. Kids participate in a memorable Bible-times marketplace, sing catchy songs, play teamwork-building games, visit with Jesus’ mom, Mary, and collect Bible Memory Markers to remind them of God’s Word. Plus, everyone learns to look for evidence of God all around them through something called God Sightings. Each day concludes at Celebration – a time of upbeat worship that gets everyone involved. Kids and adults at Hometown Nazareth will join other VBS participants in a hands-on mission project called Operation Kid-to-Kid, in which kids will collect money that will help provide clean water for kids in Honduras. A meal will be provided each night.
Shake, rattle & Roll
A ‘50s and ‘60s show group is ready to getting things rockin’ come August. The national and international award-winning women of Shake Rattle & Roll will be performing at 2 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 3, at the invitation of Gladewater Former Students’ Association. Tickets are $25 per person for the concert in the GFSA Building at 2509 Hendricks St. All seats are General Admission, and free for children younger than 12. For more information, call 903-845-2631.
Chief justice to speak
James T. (Jim) Worthen, chief justice of the state’s 12th Court of Appeals in Tyler, will address the July 22 meeting of the Cherokee Rose Republican Women in Gilmer.
The gathering is set for 6:30 p.m. at the Credit Union of Texas’ “Gilmer Gathers” room on U.S. 271.
“All Republicans interested in learning more about the importance of our judiciary are invited to attend,” said club President Cynthia Ridgeway. A free meal will be served.
Worthen, of Big Sandy, is among three members of the Tyler-based court, which is elected by voters and hears cases from 17 counties. The other justices are Brian Hoyle of Tyler and Greg Neeley of Longview.
In a press release, Ridgeway said all members of the 12th court and the Texarakana-based 6th Court of Appeals have been invited to the July 22 meeting, and that she hoped other justices would attend and offer comments.
Delegates attend state comvention
Some 20 delegates or alternate delegates from Upshur County attended the recent Republican Party of Texas state convention in San Antonio, said county GOP Chairman Carl Byers.
Upshur delegates included himself, Joyce Dolle, Jackie Lum, Bridget Byers, John Melvin Dodd, Abigail Byers, Upshur County Precinct 1 Commissioner Gene Dolle, Jackie Oliver, William Brunhofer, Judy Crowder, Cynthia Ridgeway, Richard Crowder, Joan Skinner and Richard Ridgeway.
The county’s alternate delegates included Charles Souder, Oreth Souder, Gary Wilson, Teresa Wilson, Michael Muench and Falyn Muench.
The county’s Republican executive committee was narrowly elected by a split vote of the committee at its recent organizational meeting in Gilmer. They included Vice-Chairman Stacy McMahan, Secretary Joyce Dolle, Treasurer John Ussery, Parliamentarian Madison Barrett, Chaplain Todd Quinn, Sergeant-at-Arms Richard Crowder and Coordinating Secretary Cindy Walls.