Voting Early is Easy!

October 21 – November 1, 2019
 Early voting is from October 21 – November 1. The League of Women Voters reminds registered voters that voting early is easy. The hours are convenient. There are fewer lines and voters may vote at any early voting polling location in their county.
The Nov. 5th General Election is important!   Texans will be voting on 10 new amendments to the Constitution on November 5. Some of the topics covered are public school funding, rules for municipal court judges and the retirement of police dogs and horses.
It is easy to get information about what’s on the ballot with the nonpartisan Voters Guide!
  • Input your address to find where to vote and print a personalized ballot with your choices.
  • provides a pdf of the statewide Voters Guides in English and Spanish.
  • Printed copies are provided in hundreds of libraries across Texas.
Find local voting and election information on your  local League of Women Voters Website  or your county website .
Find more important election dates here
Voter ID Information
In Texas, you are required to bring a valid form of ID with you to the polls. There are 7 forms of ID you can use: a Driver’s License, a US passport, a US military photo ID, a Texas Personal Identification card, a photo US citizenship certificate, or a Texas Election Identification Certificate. If you do not have a photo ID or cannot reasonably obtain one, you may still vote upon signing a form and presenting an original copy of your Voter Registration Card, certified birth certificate, current utility bill, bank statement, government check, or paycheck with your name and address on it.
For help on registering to vote, checking your registration status, or finding what’s on your ballot, visit  or our  voting webpage .
Election Protection is working to advance and defend your right to vote. If anyone tries to prevent you from voting contact them here or at the Election Protection Hotline (866) 687-8683

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